
Game Happens 2017 (Photo Credits: Marco Pezzati)



Game Happens is a nonprofit cultural association based in Genova (Italy) focused on the cultural impact of games.

Game Happens started in 2014 as an international festival in Italy – part conference and part showcase – dedicated to both indie game developers and students, without forgetting the diversity and variety of involved ideas and points of view.

Game Happens brought together in Genova amazing and inspiring game people such as Rhianna Pratchett, Paolo Pedercini, Eric Zimmerman, Tale of Tales, Rami Ismail, Adrian Hon, and Chipzel.

Game Happens curates exhibitions, lectures, roundtables and workshops, and seeks partnership with nonprofit organisations in order to create learning and networking opportunities.


Marina Rossi

Event Director, Senior Editor at Papille

Marina Rossi is an independent curator, event producer, experience designer, content creator, and project manager. Co-founder and event director at Game Happens. Lecturer, she conducts workshops about game design, diversity and accessibility in games, design thinking and project management. She has been part of the game industry since 2009. From 2006 to 2009, she worked at Totem as tech and game journalist, web designer and web strategist, community manager and online reputation analyst.

Maddalena Grattarola

Conference Coordinator, Senior Editor at Papille

Maddalena Grattarola is a scholar in Russian and American postmodern literature with a background in comparative literature, critical theory and media studies. Literary and scientific freelance translator. Conference Coordinator at Game Happens. Writer and narrative designer at The Space Backyard. Interested in analysing narrative video games through the lens of literary theories, she has given lectures about the intersection of literature and games and conducted workshops on interactive storytelling and narrative design. Former editor at a publishing house, she co-founded Papille because she strongly believes in a transdisciplinary approach to video game criticism.

Marco Pezzati

Art Director

Marco Pezzati is a video editor, video compositor, motion graphic and VFX artist. Spare time photographer. He has been part of the video industry since 2006 as an employee. Freelancer since 2014. Some of his works include: tv adverts, tv shows, documentary features, web series, and video art projects.

Emanuele Maccario

Exhibition Coordinator

“I don’t know what is the problem, but I am the right man to solve it”. Mathematician, enthusiastic player, event handyman and beer lover.

Jacopo Fabrini

Volunteer Coordinator

Engineering student interested in new technologies, game design and programming. If you have any problem, you can ask me! I probably won’t have the answer, but I will be very professional about it.


Game Happens è un’associazione culturale senza scopo di lucro che ha sede a Genova ed è focalizzata sull’impatto dei giochi.

Dal 2014, Game Happens è un festival internazionale – parte conferenza e parte showcase – rivolto a persone che lavorano e studiano nel settore dei giochi, senza dimenticare la diversità e la varietà di idee e punti di vista coinvolti. Game Happens ha portato a Genova importanti figure del settore come Eric Zimmerman, Tale of Tales, Mata Haggis, Rami Ismail, Zuraida Buter, Adrian Hon e Chipzel.

Game Happens cura pubblicazioni online, selezioni di giochi per showcase e workshop, cerca partnership con altre organizzazioni no-profit, localizza giochi a impatto sociale, e coordina incontri e workshop per persone che lavorano e studiano nel settore dei giochi.